West Lothian Integration Joint Board Strategic Plan 2023-2028 Consultation
The IJB Strategic Plan sets out the strategic direction for the delivery of its delegated functions and a new Strategic Plan must be in place by April 2023. The new plan will set out the IJB's future vision for health and care in West Lothian from 2023.

You can access the Integration Joint Board's Strategic Plan Consultation Here: West Lothian Integration Joint Board Strategic Plan 2023-2028 Consultation (opens new window)
The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 established a legal framework for the integration of health and social care services in Scotland. The West Lothian Integration Joint Board (IJB) has the has responsibility for planning most health and social care services for adults in West Lothian.
The IJB's role is to set the strategic direction for functions delegated to it and to deliver the priorities set out in its Strategic Plan. The functions of the IJB include:
• Primary Care
• Adult Social Care
• Mental Health Services
• Learning Disability Services
• Physical Disability Services
• Community Health Services
• Community Pharmacy Services
• Health Improvement
• Unscheduled Care for Adults
• Housing Support/Aids and Adaptations
The IJB Strategic Plan sets out the strategic direction for the delivery of its delegated functions and a new Strategic Plan must be in place by April 2023. The new plan will set out the IJB's future vision for health and care in West Lothian from 2023.
You can access the Integration Joint Board's current Strategic Plan here: ( West Lothian IJB - Strategic Plan 2019-23 ).
The New Strategic Plan
This Strategic Plan, for the period 2023 to 2028, builds on the achievements of the West Lothian Integration Joint Board (IJB) Strategic Plan 2019 to 2023 and sets out the Boards ambition for the continued development and improvement of health and social care services in West Lothian over the next 5 years.
To inform the development of the new plan a strategic needs assessment was undertaken to ensure that there is a clear understanding of the needs and priorities of our population. Through the strategic needs assessment analysis has been undertaken of local and national data to identify current and future trends to support the planning and development of future services.
Alongside data analysis, a comprehensive engagement exercise was undertaken to ensure that the views of partners, staff, unpaid carers and people who use our services were captured to identify what is currently working well, what we still need to do and where any gaps exits.
Through our engagement with our key stakeholder the following have been identified as the priorities of the new strategic plan:
Improving Health Inequalities in Partnership | A "Home First" Approach | Enabling Good Care and Treatment |
The IJB is committed to working with our partners, service users, their families and the wider community to find effective and sustainable solutions and achieve the best outcomes for the people of West Lothian. This includes working with community planning partners to address underlying social inequalities that contribute to health inequalities.
We previously asked for your views on the proposals and associated changes to service delivery relating to the 2023/24 to 2025/26 IJB budget. Your feedback and comments were used in the development of the draft IJB Strategic Plan. The draft plan was considered by the IJB on 10th January 2023. You can access the draft plan here: ( Development of the IJB Strategic Plan 2023-2028 ).
Your views on how we achieve this will be very important in shaping the future delivery of health and social care services in West Lothian. We ask that you consider the Strategic Priorities identified for the 2023-2028 IJB Strategic Plan on the following pages, and provide any feedback or further comments.
The consultation will be open until Thursday 9th March 2023 at 12pm.
The Integration Joint Board's Strategic Plan 2023-2028 Consultation can be found here: West Lothian Integration Joint Board Strategic Plan 2023-2028 Consultation (opens new window)
A paper copy can be requested by contacting:
Kerry Taylor IJB Project Officer kerry.taylor@westlothian.gov.uk 07423702674 |