Crisis Response - Falls at Home

Crisis Response is a service operated by West Lothians Health and Social Care Partnership to assist people who have fallen within their own home or to respond to telecare alerts.


What does the service do?

Crisis response is a 24-hour falls prevention service which works directly in partnership with West Lothian Careline providing specialist assistance for individuals who are at risk of falling or who have had a fall.  Assistance will be provided to those who have fallen and are uninjured to maximise independence and minimise risk of falling in the future.

Where required, staff will use specialist lifting equipment to assist you up from the floor and carry out a fall's assessment.  Referrals to other services may be made with your consent.  If you are injured, emergency service or medical attention will be sought.

The aims are:

  • Assist with a fall where the individual is uninjured
  • Respond to telecare alerts where there is a no response
  • Prevent hospital admission
  • Support early discharge

How do I access this service?

If you fall, press your pendant, West Lothian Careline will request Crisis Response to attend.

If you do not have a pendant, you can telephone West Lothian Careline on 0330 6782395. Operators will then send a request to Crisis Response to attend.

While you are waiting on the  Crisis Response team or other assistance, try to keep warm and as comfortable as possible.  If someone is with you ask if they can get you a blanket and pillow.  If your condition changes press your pendant again and advise West Lothian Careline, or if you or someone is able, phone them on 0330 6782395.


Getting Help

You may wish to apply for Telecare - Home Safety Service which offers a broad range of devices designed to keep someone safe at home or summon assistance in an emergency situation.  Services are mainly used by older people or people with disabilities but can also support people with significant health problems. 

Contact us about Technology today (Click here to apply)

Information on Falls Prevention