Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025-2028 Consultation

The West Lothian Suicide Prevention Leadership Group (SPLG), which is a multi-agency steering group of statutory and third sector partners, are looking to gather feedback from people who live and work in West Lothian to help shape West Lothians long-term Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025-2028. Every suicide is a tragedy, and our vision is to prevent and reduce probable suicides in West Lothian. To achieve this your feedback is essential in helping us understand what people need to (a) look after themselves (b) look after others and how we can promote wellbeing and prevent suicide.

19 March

Below is a link to the survey which asks you to provide experiences and ideas around mental health and suicide in relation to your role and personal experience, there are two survey options:


If you live and work in West Lothian, choose the survey you would prefer your views to be recorded as part of but please can we ask that you do not complete both.  Please answer the questions as you feel able, and you are free to change your mind about completing at any time.

Paper copies are also available for those who don't have access online or would prefer to print out and complete. Please contact Diane Stewart, Suicide Prevention Lead, if you would like these. The deadline for completion is Wednesday 16th April.

Thank you in advance for your support with this work.


If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or are struggling with your mental wellbeing it is important to know you are not alone. Support is available at:

Neil's Hugs Foundationvia telephone on 07446 717501 or email at

Samaritansfree 24/7 by phoning 116 123 via email on

NHS 24 Mental Health Hub- Free 24/7 listening support, advice, guiding you to further help. Call 111

Breathing Space- Free & confidential mental health helpline. Call 0800 83 85 87 Weekdays: Monday-Thursday, 6pm-2am; Weekends: Friday 6pm-Monday 6am]; Webchat service (Mon-Fri 6pm-2am; Sat/Sun 4pm-12 midnight)