Drugs and/or Alcohol - How to get HELP
Where to get support and advice if you or someone you know is struggling with problematic substance use:
Your local GP Practice
Your GP will discuss your drug and/or alcohol use with you. They can offer general advice & support and they can help you get into treatment. They may offer you treatment at the Practice or they may refer you on to a specialist service for treatment.
West Lothian Youth Action Project (opens new window)
The Youth Action Project offers a drug & alcohol support service. This service is for young people aged 12 & above and their families who are experiencing challenges involving substances use, which may be impacting on:
- Family Life
- General Health & Wellbeing
- Risk Taking Behaviour
Youth workers will carry caseloads providing 1-1 interventions and a diversionary approach to assist young people to make well informed and positive life choices. They will also develop strong supportive relationships with the whole family. Staff will also deliver groupwork and early intervention and prevention education sessions as part of a partnership, improving knowledge and reducing the risk of harmful substance use among young people.
Contact: 01506 431430 for further information
Community Addictions Service (CAS)
The Community Addictions Service (CAS) aims to enable individuals and families to take positive steps to recover from problematic substance use.
The Community Addictions Service (CAS) also aims to ensure all people accessing services with children are helped to become more aware of the impact on children of parental substance use as well as the risks to the safety and wellbeing of children.
The Community Addictions Service (CAS) is one of four services working together within West Lothian to provide specialist support for problematic substance use, known as the West Lothian Addictions Care Partnership. The Partnership is designed to ensure clients are able to access the most appropriate help as quickly as possible. These services work together to provide access to drug and alcohol treatment, counselling and support.
The West Lothian Addictions Care Partnership consists of:
- The Social Work Addictions Team
- NHS Addictions Service
- West Lothian Drug & Alcohol Service (WLDAS)
- Change, Grow, Live (CGL)
Who is the service for?
CAS works with clients who require specialist support for their problematic substance use and:
- are experiencing problems due to their alcohol and/or drug use - family, social, health, legal or financial
- are looking for help to make changes to their alcohol and/or drug use
- are willing to meet with an addictions worker to explore difficulties, identify problems, consider options and make choices about recovery
CAS Specialist Alcohol Service
This service offers social work assessment of needs where chronic alcohol use has resulted in difficulties with day to day living skills or self neglect, posing significant risk of hospitalisation or homelessness (even when the client is unwilling to stop drinking). Referral to this service is via the the Community Addictions Service (CAS)
Contact & Referral Team - 01506 775666.
Breakaway Recovery Drop In Sessions
The Community Addictions Service (CAS) facilitate confidential drop-in sessions where you will see a trained professional on a one to one basis for a brief appointment, you will then be referred to one of the services who will contact you to offer further support. We now also offer same day prescribing at these clinics. For more information please contact 01506 282 845
Medication Assisted Treatment Standards (MAT Standards)
All services working across specialist drug services in West Lothian must adhere to the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT Standards). These standards provide a level of healthcare that all services operating locally must adhere to. The standards are:
Standard 1 - Same Day Access
Standard 2- Choice
Standard 3 - Standard 3 Assertive Outreach and Anticipatory Care
Standard 4 Harm Reduction
Standard 5 Retention
Standard 6 Psychological Support
Standard 7 Primary Care
Standard 8 Independent Advocacy and Social Support
Standard 9 Mental Health
Standard 10 Trauma Informed Care
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) refers to the use of medication alongside psychological and social support in the treatment of people who are experiencing issues with their drug use.
You can Download a copy of the MAT standards for Scotland here:
MAT Standards (PDF, 521 KB)(opens new window)
Same Day Access Clinics
As part of the implementation of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards we now also offer same day access for problematic drug use. If is medically appropriate people may receive prescribed medication. They will also be offered a choice of medication and a number of harm reduction measures when accessing support. For more information please contact 01506 282 845
Below is a list of the drop ins available in West Lothian:
Day | Time | Venue |
Monday | 9:00am -12:00pm | Blackburn Health Centre, Ashgrove, BLACKBURN |
Tuesday | 1:00pm - 4:00pm | Howden Health Centre, Howden Road West, LIVINGSTON |
Wednesday | 1:00pm-4:00pm | Strathbrock Health Centre, West Main Street, BROXBURN |
Thursday | 10:30am - 2:30pm | Whitburn Health Centre, Weavers Lane, WHITBURN |
Friday | 9:00am - 12:00pm | Bathgate Health Centre, Whitburn Road, BATHGATE |
Alternatively services can be contacted directly for support and advice (see below for service contact details)
How to contact the service
CAS can be contacted for information or advice as follows;
West Lothian Council
Telephone - 01506 282844
Email - socialworkaddictionsteam@westlothian.gov.uk
CAS NHS Lothian
Telephone - 01506 282845
Opening hours - 9.00am-5.00pm (Monday to Thursday), 9.00am-4.00pm (Friday) - there is a telephone answering service should nobody be available. Please leave a message and a member of staff will return your call within one working day. Evening appointments are available by arrangement.
Mental Health Advocacy Project (MHAP) (opens new window)
Mental Health Advocacy Project (MHAP) are commissioned to provide advocacy to support the implementation of the Medication Assisted Treatment Standards professional independent advocacy services to for anyone who has or has had a mental health and/or addiction problem who lives in or is receiving treatment in West Lothian.
People may need Advocacy to help them speak to professionals such as Doctors, Nurses, Lawyers, Social workers etc: Advocacy can support people in meetings / appointments, with written communications or to help locate information or services.
Contact: 01506 857230 for further information
West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service (WLDAS) (opens new window)
West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service (WLDAS) are commissioned by the Alcohol and Drug Partnership to provide a range of specialist alcohol and drug services for people in West Lothian. WLDAS have premises in Livingston but also offer services across West Lothian. They offer the following;
- Offers a range of psychological therapies to individuals' wishing to make changes to their substance use
- Employs psychological based support or therapy to those affected by someone else's substance use
- Will accept self referral from across West Lothian
Contact: 01506 430225 for further information
Change, Grow, Live (CGL) (opens new window)
Change Grow Live (CGL) are commissioned by the Alcohol and Drug Partnership to provide a range of specialist services for people with problematic substance use focused mainly around support with recovery and outreach services. They can offer the following:
- Focus on harm reduction, preparation for engagement and practical support
- Works with people in prison or custody to support their recovery from alcohol and drug problems once they return to their communities
- Referral pathways from other agencies such as housing officers, mental health practitioners, social work, care agencies for individuals who cannot make the 6 drop in clinics and require home visits / alternative venues
- Open Access Policy
Contact: 01506 657992 for further information
Support for people affected by a family members problematic substance use
Circle Scotland (opens new window)
Circle offer a range of services to support children and families affected by parental substance use. We work alongside families to help them build upon existing strengths to make and sustain positive lifestyle choices.
Support for parents/carers:
Circle provide services to support:
- recovery from substance use
- improving family relationships and providing practical support, e.g. establishing boundaries and routines within your home
- managing your children's behaviour
- accessing local services and activities for you and your children
- improving nursery and school attendance and achievement for your children
- addressing your own and your family's health needs
- attending meetings with other professionals
They will also provide support to other members of your family who are involved in the child's life e.g. grandparents.
Support for children and young people:
Circle provide 1:1 support for children and young people in schools or in the local community. Creative approaches are used to help children express their emotions, build their confidence and develop resilience to help them cope with any difficulties.
Contact: 01506 653360 for further information
West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service (WLDAS) (opens new window)
West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service (WLDAS) provide support for family embers affected by loved one's substance use. They also provide a gamily support group.
Contact: 01506 430225 for further information
Residential Rehabilitation
For people who need more intensive support for their drug and alcohol problem, and are seeking to move to Recovery in the LEAP (Lothians and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme) or other residential rehabilitation units, then this pathway describes how to access those services. You can download a copy of the pathway via the link at the bottom of this page.

Getting Involved
Mental Health Advocacy Project (MHAP) (opens new window)
Mental Health Advocacy Project (MHAP) are commissioned to develop a Lived and Living Experience Panel to ensure communities and their families are able to get involved in the local decision making process.
Please contact 01506 857230for further information.