Care Homes
A care home offers an alternative home for people who are no longer safe in their own home.
In West Lothian the Council has 3 care homes as well as charity operated and private homes which provide care on behalf of the council under a contract. Respite care is available to give carers a break and many homes offer short breaks for cared for people.
The three care homes in West Lothian, run by the local authority, operate on a 24-hour staffed basis, and are all registered with Social Care & Social Work Improvement Scotland.
The homes provide meals, activities and help with personal care and daily living.
Places may also be purchased in a private or voluntary residential home or nursing home. If you need help to pay for long term residential care, you should normally approach your local social work centre to arrange an assessment. People who plan to pay fully for their care can apply direct to nursing homes.
Council run care homes are located in:
A full list of all care homes is available from:
Care Inspectorate (opens new window)
Care Inspectorate
Compass House
11 Riverside Drive
DD1 4NY.
Tel. 01382 207100
Community care services, including residential care is offered after a full assessment by social work. The assessment will look at the person as a whole - not simply whether they fall into the official eligibility criteria or not.
Older residents in West Lothian who can no longer manage in their own homes. Community care services are offered after a full assessment by social work staff. These checks look at the person as a whole - not simply whether they fall into the official eligibility criteria or not. Assessments are carried out by staff from local social work centres.
Our Service Standards
- We will assess people and agree with them, their families and carers what would be an appropriate residential placement.
- We will provide written information about the choice of homes.
- We will provide, either directly or indirectly, places in residential homes which are under the leadership of trained and experienced managers and meet out quality standards.
- We will offer respite facilities when they are needed and when we have places available.
For more information or to speak to someone about getting a care assessment please contact our Adult Social Care Enquiry Team.