Eliburn Day Centre
Eliburn Day Centre provides a valuable support service for adults with significant learning disabilities and complex physical and health care needs
Type of Service
Day Services and Respite
Information Summary
The service is for anyone, aged between 16 and 65 years, living in West Lothian who meets the criteria for the Eliburn service. The service is for people seeking day respite for themselves and/or their families. Access to the service is by referral and assessment.
About the Service
Eliburn Support Services is building based. It is located in the Eliburn area of Livingston and offers a service for adults with complex learning and physical disabilities. Eliburn offers a range of activities within the community as well as based within the building.
Eliburn is a Care Registered Service. It offers activities that are person centred, based on individual choice and identified outcomes. Support is aimed at individuals working towards their aspirations in life and having greater independence. As well as providing experiences that contribute to healthy, safe and meaningful lives and promote involvement in local communities, in a whole range of different ways.
Eliburn support offers service user support with a range of activities including:
- Personal care requirements
- Eating and drinking
- Mobility
- Communication
- Involvement with in-house activities
- Involvement with community based activities (dependent on resources)
- Access to physiotherapy (where appropriate - decision made by physiotherapists)
- Access to hydrotherapy (where appropriate - decision made by physiotherapists)
- Collaborative working with parents, carers, family members and other professionals
Individuals plans of care are reviewed on a 6 monthly basis to ensure that it is still appropriate and supports any transitions or changes in a person's life to ensure your or the person your care for life is what they want it to be like.
How to Access
To access any of WLC day support services for Adults with a Learning Disability you or the person you care for must have had a referral to the social work team, have an assessment carried out to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and there may be a chargeable contribution to be made based on a financial assessment.
Take a virtual tour of Eliburn Day services (opens new window)
Please note: For all day support services, there may be a chargeable contribution to be made that is based on a financial assessment. Assessment, Eligibility and Financial Contributions
Contact Details
Eliburn Day Service,
Jackson Place,
Eliburn East,
EH54 6RH.
Telephone: 01506 774 300