Local Mental Health Services

Information on Mental Health Services available in the West Lothian area.

The service provide Occupational Therapy Assessment and intervention for adults with mental health problems.
Intensive Assessment and Treatment of people 65 years and over with Mental Health Illness, to provide care and treat ...
To aid the recovery and rehabilitation of those with severe and enduring mental illness in a welcoming, clean and sa ...
A Continuing Care Unit for Ladies with Stressed/Distressed Behaviours and Dementia
Strathbrock Mental Health Resource Centre is based within Strathbrock Community Health and Care Partnership and form ...
The Support at Home Service incorporates the Crisis Response, Home Safety Service, Re Ablement, Falls Assessment and ...
The service provide 24 hour inpatient care for those presenting with acute mental health illness who require a secur ...
The service provide 24 hour inpatient care for those presenting with acute mental health problems that cannot be saf ...
Acute Psychiatric Assessment Ward for over 65 year olds.