Pathways Adult Day Service

Pathways provides a valuable support service for adults with moderate learning disabilities


Type of Service

Day Services and Respite


Information Summary

Pathways is located in Quigley House in the Craigshill area of Livingston. Pathways offers a mix of community-based activities and building for individuals who require the opportunity to be supported in their local communities and have a hub base to utilise for some activities.


About the service

Pathways is a Care Registered Service. It offer activities that are person centred, based on individual choice and identified outcomes. Support is aimed at individuals working towards their aspirations in life and having greater independence. As well as providing experiences that contribute to healthy, safe and meaningful lives and promote involvement in local communities, in a whole range of different ways.

The focus of the Service is to offer everyone opportunities to get involved in a range of activities that promote life-long learning, volunteering and community involvement as well as encourage health and wellbeing through technology, sports and leisure interests, in a way that best promotes the individuals skills and abilities.

Individuals plans of care are reviewed on a 6 monthly basis to ensure that it is still appropriate and  supports any transitions or changes in a person's life to ensure your or the person your care for life is what they want it to be like.


How to Access

To access any of WLC day support services for Adults with a Learning Disability you or the person you care for must have had a referral to the social work team, have an assessment carried out to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and there may be a chargeable contribution to be made based on a financial assessment.


Please note: For all day support services, there may be a chargeable contribution to be made that is based on a financial assessment. Assessment, Eligibility and Financial Contributions


Take a virtual tour of Pathways (opens new window)



Quigley House,

Craigshill Road East,



EH54 5DT