West Lothian Carers Strategy

West Lothian Vision for Carers

"Carers are valued as equal and expert partners in care and that they are supported and empowered to manage their caring responsibilities with confidence. Carers remain in good health and have a life of their own outside their caring role."

West Lothian Carers Strategy 2023-2026

West Lothian Carers Strategy 2023-2026 (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window) is for all people who care for others regardless of whether or not they recognise themselves as carers. This strategy builds on the current strategy 2020-2023 and considers the key priority areas of the National Carers Strategy published in December 2022.

The strategy has been shaped by carers and their families and draws from a range of engagement activities undertaken in partnership. It sets out how we plan to achieve our priorities and outcomes to ensure that carers' physical and emotional health and wellbeing is supported, that breaks from caring are available, and that young carers are supported to be children first.

Carers Strategy Annual Report 2023- 2024 (Word doc, 4 MB)(opens new window)