Books on Prescription
Book Yourself to Health: Would you like to better understand conditions and how they can be managed? - Find information that will help you through Books on 'Prescription'.
What is Books on Prescription?
The books recommended by professionals for books on 'prescription' have a focus on information and self-help, helping people to understand their difficulties and to make positive changes in their lives. Some of these books can also be helpful for relatives, friends and carers to read to increase their understanding of a particular difficulty.
Whilst information and self-help can be very beneficial, they may not be sufficient in some situations.
If there is no improvement or things get worse, after trying the strategies in the book, seek help from a trained professional such as a GP or nurse.
Every library in West Lothian has copies of the recommended books.
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Further Information
For more information contact either:
- (Central Support Co-ordinator for Libraries and Heritage, West Lothian Libraries). Tel: 01506 281273
- The Big Plus - 0800 917 8000 - To get better at reading, writing or using numbers, call this number and you will be put in touch with someone who will help you to do this in West Lothian.
- NHS Inform (opens new window) - a new national health information service for Scotland. Information for the public, patients and carers.
Search results
When a family is in trouble - children can cope with grief from drug and alcohol addiction a family member has an addiction to alcohol or other drugs, the entire family is effected. This text gives parents, counsellors and other professionals an ...
Willy and the wobbly house : a story for children who are anxious or obsessional of a set, this children's book is written especially for those youngsters who are trapped in anxiety. The story reveals to the child that he or she need no...
The day the sea went out & never came back - a story for children who have lost someone they love of a set, this children's book is written especially for youngsters who have lost someone they love. The story focuses upon a dragon called Eric who loves ...
Understanding A.D.H.D. - a parent's guide to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children by thousands of parents, this book shows how to recognise and overcome A.D.H.D., a controversial condition which disrupts learning abilities and causes...
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - answers at your fingertips Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) affects one in 10 people over the age of 65 and is predicted to be the fifth most common cause of death by 2020. Th...
Think good, feel good - a CBT workbook for young people Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an effective intervention for adults and young people with a range of disorders including anxiety and depression. This te...
Young men surviving child sexual abuse - research stories and lessons for therapeutic practice book is based on the experiences of a small number of young men who experienced abuse in childhood and uses their narratives to explore the impact on their...
Overcoming depression - a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques self-help guide provides step-by-step strategies to overcome depression. It uses techniques from cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), an evidence based inter...
Think you're crazy? think again - a resource book for cognitive therapy for psychosis by experts in the field, this is a step-by-step programme that can be used alongside the therapy process, or as a self help guide for individuals exper...
Overcoming paranoid & suspicious thoughts a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques self help guide. By Daniel Freeman