Adult Carer Support Plan and Young Carer Statement

Adult Carer Support Plan or a Young Carer Statement


What is an Adult Carer Support Plan or Young Carer Statement?

The purpose of these is to look at the support you provide and determine your needs and outcomes as a carer. It takes into account all your own commitments - family, work, study, housing, social life, leisure activities, your age, health, and any support already in place.

Your Adult Carer Support Plan or Young Carers Statement

How do I apply for an Adult Carer Support Plan or a Young Carer Statement?

To request an Adult Carer Support Plan or Young Carer Statement, please contact your local social work office.


What happens next?

The worker will discuss your Plan or Statement with you to decide what level of eligibility for support you have. The local carer eligibility criteria can be viewed and downloaded:


The worker will then help you to plan your support - this may include:

  • Information and advice
  • Information about housing, equipment and adaptations
  • Technology like flood/heat detectors, wandering devices, home security and Careline support
  • Welfare benefits advice
  • Short breaks from caring
  • Who to contact in an emergency
  • How to arrange an assessment of need for the person you are supporting


The worker will also offer information about the local carer support service:

Carers of West Lothian
Sycamore House
Quarrywood Court,

Telephone: 01506 448000
Email: (opens new window)

Website:Carers of West Lothian (opens new window)


You can find out more about Adult Carer Support Plan and Young Carer Statement at  Scottish Government -Get an Adult Support Plan or Young Carer Statement (opens new window)


Our service standards aims:

  • The worker meets with you when and where it suits you
  • You can have a friend or advocate with you
  • Someone to translate or sign for you can be arranged
  • You will be given a copy of the completed Adult Carer Support Plan or Young Carer Statement