Books on Prescription
Book Yourself to Health: Would you like to better understand conditions and how they can be managed? - Find information that will help you through Books on 'Prescription'.
What is Books on Prescription?
The books recommended by professionals for books on 'prescription' have a focus on information and self-help, helping people to understand their difficulties and to make positive changes in their lives. Some of these books can also be helpful for relatives, friends and carers to read to increase their understanding of a particular difficulty.
Whilst information and self-help can be very beneficial, they may not be sufficient in some situations.
If there is no improvement or things get worse, after trying the strategies in the book, seek help from a trained professional such as a GP or nurse.
Every library in West Lothian has copies of the recommended books.
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Further Information
For more information contact either:
- (Central Support Co-ordinator for Libraries and Heritage, West Lothian Libraries). Tel: 01506 281273
- The Big Plus - 0800 917 8000 - To get better at reading, writing or using numbers, call this number and you will be put in touch with someone who will help you to do this in West Lothian.
- NHS Inform (opens new window) - a new national health information service for Scotland. Information for the public, patients and carers.
Search results
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease By Daniel Lee
Overcoming anxiety - a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques book explains why anxiety is a major problem for some people and not for others. It describes the various types of anxiety, including panic attacks and pho...
Less words, more respect for Dysphasic Adults By Monica Clarke
Phobics Society - Website website is made by a few individuals who felt that there was a need for better overall understanding of phobias and healthcare across the country.
Hearing Voices Network - Website you hear voices HVN can help - we are committed to helping people who hear voices. Our reputation is growing as the limitations of a solely medical approach ...
Support in Mind Scotland - Website in Mind Scotland works to improve the wellbeing and quality of life of people affected by serious mental illness. This includes those who are family mem...
Choose Life - Website national strategy and action plan to prevent suicide in Scotland.
Breathing Space Scotland - Website can feel down or depressed from time to time. It helps to get some Breathing Space. You are not alone and talking about how you feel is a positive first ...
PTSD Alliance - Website Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Alliance is a group of professional and advocacy organizations that have joined forces to provide educational resources...
Rethink - Website 1972 we have been challenging attitudes and changing lives, helping people living with conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, personality disord...